Rules and Regulations

Derby Polish Supplementary School Rules and Regulations

General Provisions

These rules are in conjunction with the Constitution of Derby Polish Supplementary School (DPSS).

All members of the school community are to abide by the rules and regulations set out below.

We have a range of policies and procedures in place that are aimed to support, protect and inform our staff, students, parents and carers. Our policies and procedures are approved and signed off by the Trustees. Key Policies to note are the Admissions Policy, Child Protection and Safeguarding policy and Behaviour Policy.

If you would like more information about our policies or procedures then please contact us.

DPSS is open to all who wish to learn the Polish language regardless of race, religion, gender, as long as they abide by the rules herein. In order to be able to attend DPSS, pupils must fulfil the following conditions:

  1. Registration form fully completed and signed by the child’s parent/guardian.
  2. Parents/ Guardians undertake to ensure their children understand how they should behave when at school.
  3. School fees (as set out below) are paid on time.
  • £ 270,00 (1 child) + cost of textbooks
  • £ 243,00 + cost of textbooks (first sibling)
  • Third and any additional siblings attend free of charge.

(The school fee includes £3 which is payable to the Polska Macierz Szkolna (Polish Educational Society) in London and is payable annually for each child attending DPSS.)

  1. Payment of outstanding fees.

Registration Form

  1. In order to register your child at DPSS the online registration form must be submitted (Link Online Registration Form). Available on the school website in the Registration and Fees section

By registering your child at DPSS you are also confirming that you have read and accept the rules and regulations set out in this document.

  1. The Registration period and deadlines for DPSS will be decided by the Trustees.
  2. The Trustees and Head Teacher will decide whether any admissions will be made after

commencement of the academic year. If this is permitted, the start date will normally be the first Saturday of the next term.

  1. Certain circumstances dictate that pupils will only be allowed to join DPSS at the start of a new academic year. E.g. in the case of students preparing for GCSE examinations.
  2. If for any reason you do not wish for your child to attend DPSS any longer, you are required to

notify the school in writing. Failure to do so will result in fees still being payable to DPSS.

  1. In so far as is possible, the DPSS school year will commence on the first Saturday of September and will end on the last Saturday in June of the academic year.
  2. Lessons will take place on Saturdays during term-time from 9:00am- 12:30pm with a break where children can have a snack.
  3. School holidays will be in line with mainstream school holidays. Dates can be found on the school website.

Term I (Autumn) – 07.09.2024 – 14.12.2024

Term II (Spring) – 04.01.2025 – 05.04.2025

Term III (Summer) – 26.04.2025 – 28.06.2025

School Fees

Fees are reviewed and approved annually by the Trustees

  1. Pupils may attend DPSS only if all fees for the current school year are paid on time. Any outstanding fees must be paid.
  2. All payments should be made by direct debit to the DPSS bank account.
  3. Fees:
    • £ 270,00 (1 child) + cost of textbooks
    • £ 243,00 + cost of textbooks (first sibling)
    • third and any additional siblings attend free of charge, (textbooks must be paid for)
  4. Fees may be paid in full for the whole year or in three instalments:
  • First instalment, payable by 30th June (plus cost of textbooks) prior to commencement of the academic year in September
  • Second instalment payable by 31st October
  • Third instalment payable by the end of February.
  • Installments – 1 Child £ 95 + cost of textbooks £ 95 £ 80
    Installments – 2 Children £ 150 + cost of textbooks £ 183 £ 180
  1. If payment has been made in full and a pupil leaves the school during the course of the

academic year, parents/guardians will be entitled to a refund as set out below. Refunds should be requested in writing.

Amounts refundable:

  • 50% if the pupil leaves during the 1st (Autumn) term
  • 25% if the pupil leaves during the 2nd (Spring) term
  • 0% if the pupil leaves during the 3rd (Summer) term

Where payments have been made in instalments and the pupil leaves once term has commenced, these fees will not be refundable. Payments made for textbooks are non-refundable.

  1. Where payments are not made in a timely manner DPSS will:

a) request that outstanding payments are made within 5 working days.

b) where payment is not made within 5 working days, the pupil in question will be removed from the register at DPSS and will no longer be allowed to attend.

7. Parents/ Guardians will be held responsible for any damage caused by their child while they are attending lessons at DPSS.

April 2024